Archive for September 29th, 2013


Posted on: September 29th, 2013 by admin No Comments


VIU extends a particular welcome to the alumni of Venice International University.
VIU is developing a virtual VIUCOMMUNITY to help and encourage alumni to stay in touch.

VIUCOMMUNITY tools include:

VIUBLOGS: use this blogging platform to share your ideas and experience with alumni and students of VIU. On the StudentsBlog our interns post lots of information about co-curricular activities and what’s on in Venice.

VIU Newsletter: if you would like to receive regular updates of VIU activities, sign up here

VIU on Facebook: join the Venice International University group and the VIU- Venice International University page

VIU on Flickr : send your photos of your experience at VIU to the VIU Community group pool

VIU Databases: if you have changed your email or snail mail address and would like to update your contact details in the VIU databases, please send your contact details to Remember to include your full name, the name of the program you attended and the semester/year